
We maintain quality at all levels of rug production

At Karnor, our mission is to achieve our client’s vision in rug design, texture, and color. We carefully source authentic materials, and weave and finish our rugs in a 17,000 sq. ft. dedicated weaving facility. But for us quality doesn’t stop there. Our clients rest assured we espouse only Nepal’s highest standards in company policies and fair trade practices, because a happier company results in better performance.
Materials we use:

  • Tibetan and New Zealand Wool
  • Hemp
  • Econyl
  • Indian and Chinese Silk
  • Allo
  • Jute & many more
Karnor is a proud member of Labelstep, whose comprehensive fair trade standards encompass uni-
versal human rights, including the prohibition of child labour; working conditions; fair wages and
eco-friendly production.

We espouse only the top standards in company policies and work ethics in Nepal – a happier company with better peformance, and our employees enjoy a range of benefits including medical and life insurance, among others.